Rabu, 09 Maret 2011


English grammar-stacy A. hagen
Modern English-marcella frank
english grammar-angela downing
Modul bahasa inggris-swastanto wahyu S.Pd
Panduan pendalaman materi bahasa inggris-Eneng sinarti S.Pd
Catetan selama pembelajaran


@ DIRECT SPEECH (Kalimat Langsung)
Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech), menyatakan kata-kata yang sebenarnya
Adalah perkataan langsung yang diucapkan pembicara,menirukan langsung secara sama apa yang dibicarakan tanpa mengubah kata yang diucapkan dan merupakan perpaduan antara dua buah kalimat dimana kalimat yang satu menerangkan kalimat lainnya.

 Kalimat langsung terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu :
1. Reporting Verb = kata kerja yang melaporkan ( pembicara )
2. Reported Words/Reported speech = kata-kata yang dilaporkan ( yang
dibicarakan )

 Tata cara penggunaan Direct Speech :
• Antara Reporting verb dan reported words dipisahkan oleh tanda koma
• Reported words ditulis di dalam tanda kutip
• Letak dari reporting verb tidak harus berada di awal kalimat, tetapi dapat juga reporting verb berada di akhir kalimat.
• Apabila dalam kalimat aktif subyeknya adalah kata ganti orang (he,she,it,etc) maka apabila diletakan di belakangsubyek tersebut diletakkan setelah reported word.
• Apabila dalam kalimat aktif subyeknya adalah kata benda Nama seseorang (Shinta,Anis,Maya,Caca,etc) maka apabi9la diletakan di belakang , subyek terebut terletak di akhir kalimat.

@ INDIRECT SPEECH ( Kalimat tidak langsung )
Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word.
When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.
Adalah kalimat yang di ucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang kepada orang lain, mnceritakan apa yang dikatakan seseorang dengan maksud yang sama dengan adanya perubahan atau kata-katanya tidak sama.Merupakan perpaduan antara reporting verb dan reported speech yang dipisahkan oleh THAT yang berarti BAHWA.

 Tata cara penggunaan indirect speech :
1. Antara reporting verb dan reported word dihubungkan oleh kata penghubung (conjunction)
2. Dalam kalimat tidak langsung tidak menggunakan tanda kutip.
 Indirect speech di bedakan menjadi :
1). Indirect Statement ( pernyataan tidak langsung )
When a direct statement is changed into indirect statement, we add THAT to join the report clause to the rest of the sentences
2). Indirect Question (pertanyaan tidak langsung)
a) When in a direct question there is no question word, we add IF or WHETHER in the indirect questions.Reporting verbnya diawali to be atau kata kerja Bantu.
b) When in a direct question there is a question words (how,when,where,etc). we can use the questions words in the indirect questions.
c) When a direct request/commands is changed into indirect request/command.
d) When a direct prohibition is changed into indirect prohibition we add (NOT) join the reported clause to the rest the sentences.

#Changes in tenses

(S+HAS/HAVE+V3), = (S+HAD+V3)
(S+AM,IS,ARE+V(ing)), =(S+WAS/WERE+V(ing))

#Changes in adverbial time and place
 Now = Then
 This = That
 These = Those
 Here = There
 Tomorrow = The next day
 Yesterday = The day before
 Age = Bofore
 Next Week = The following week
 Last Night = The night before


* D : Tania said “ I write a letter for my friend”.
I : Tania said that she wrote a letter for his friend.
* D : Shinta said : I like to study all day
I : Shinta said that she liked to study all day
* D : Anis said : I have finished his homework
I : Anis said that he had finished his homework
* D : Maya said : I studied last night
I : Maya said that she had studied the night before
* D : “You can take my swimsuit, “Kate said to Barbara
I : Kate said to Barbara that Barbara could take her swimsuit.
* D : Nisa said : “The rain has stopped”
I : Nisa said that the rain had stopped.
* D : Rian said : “My cousin has enjoyed himself in Tokyo”
I : Rian said that his cousin had enjoye himself in Tokyo.
* D : Anjani said “ My friend is waiting for a bus”
I : Anjani said that his friend was waiting for a bus.
* D : Caca said : They are doing the exercises
I : Caca said that they were doing the exercises
* D : Ria said : I will go to Bali next week
I : Ria said that she would go to Bali the following week

* D : Teacher asked Andy, “Are you sleepy ?”
I : Teacher asked andi if he was sleepy.
* D : Father asked me, “what time did ypu arrive yesterday?”
I : Father asked me what time I had arrived the day before
* D : Brother said me, “open the window, please!”
I : Brother said me to open the window.
* D : The girl said me, “Don’t look at me!”
I : The girl said me not to look at her.
* D : She asked her boyfriend, “ How much money will you need tomorrow ?”
I : She asked her boyfriend how much money he would need the next day.
* D : Shinta asked : Have you ever heard about “Let Me in Movie” ?
I : Shinta asked me if I had heard about “Let Me in Movie”.
* D : Anis asked : What are you doing ?
I : Anis asked me what I was doing.
* D : Maya asked : Who broke your heart ?
I : Maya asked who had broken my heart.
* D : Caca asked : are you kidding ?
I : Caca asked me whether I was kidding.
* D : Tasya asked : where is your home ?
I : Tasya asked me where my home was


Jika reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap sama sebagaimana adanya, contoh :

Direct Speech - Indirect Speech

He said, “The sun rises in the east”
He said that the sun rises in the east

3) Kalimat perintah (imperative sentences)

Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat perintah, reporting verb say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang menandakan :

*command (perintah), misalnya ordered, commanded, dsb yang berarti menyuruh, memerintahkan.
Contoh :
Direct: He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
Indirect:He ordered his servant to go away at once

*precept (petunjuk, bimbingan, didikan), misalnya advised yang berarti menasehati.
Direct: She said to her son, “Study hard!”
Indirect: He advised her son to study hard

*request (permohonan), misalnya asked yang berarti meminta, memohon.
Direct: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen!”
Indirect: He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil

*entreaty (permohonan yang sangat mendesak), misalnya begged yang berarti meminta, memohon (dengan sangat).
Direct: He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir”
Indirect: He begged his master to pardon him.

*prohibition (larangan), misalnya forbade yang berarti melarang.
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She forbade her daughter to go there

Jika reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi reported verb ask, order, command dsb (tapi jika bukan forbid), predikatnya diubah ke dalam infinitive with to yang didahului oleh not atau no + infinitive with to.
Contoh : Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She asked herdaughter not to go there.

4) Kalimat seru (exclamatory sentences)
Jika reported speech terdiri dari kalimat seru atau kalimat optatif, reporting verb say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu seperti exclaim, cry out, pray dsb.

a) Exclamatory sentences
Direct: He said, “Hurrah! My old friend has come”
Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that his old friend had come.

b) Optative sentences (kalimat yang menyatakan harapan, pujian, dsb)
Direct: He said, “God bless you, my dear son “
Indirect: He prayed that God would bless his dear son

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